Top 9 Tips For Building A Granny Flat

Adding a backyard granny flat is a significant investment that not only increases the livable space in your house but also increases its value. However, like many other homeowners interested in building a granny flat, you may not know where to start. The goal of writing this article is to guide you in the right direction by making informed decisions.

Here are the builder’s Top 9 tips for building a granny flat:

  • Do Some Background Research
Though you cannot know more than an expert, knowledge is always handy. It is good to learn a little bit about the construction, features, permits and other legal requirements for building a granny flat. Find someone who already has a unit and get advice. You can also talk to a builder to know if a granny flat can accommodate your needs or not.

  • Consider the Location
Depending on the access route, the unit can be constructed on-site or off-site and then transported. You have to pay more for a location that is not easily accessible. So, your granny flat should be built on-site.
  • Go For New Ideas
This industry always goes through changes. It brings new building methods and styles. So, it is always good to be open to existing and new construction ideas. One small idea can end up saving more money and time for you.
  • Compile A List Of Things You Want In Your Granny Flat
Depending on the needs of who is going to live there, you might want to add the things you must have in the unit. Make a list of all these things. Talk to a granny flat builder and let him see your list. The builder knows how to implement these things into the granny flat design. These things might be specific requirements such as a carport, eastern facing windows, disability-friendly modifications and more.
  • Book An Appointment With A Builder
Book an appointment with a builder and sit down to discuss all the ideas and dreams you have. This will also give you an idea of the services provided by the builder. He will help you with better planning, features and assets for the unit.
  • Ask Questions
A good builder expects you to have a lot of doubts and questions. So, he is always ready to listen to you. Seek clarification. This can also eliminate a lot of troubles due to simple misunderstandings. This can clarify all of your worries.
  • Carefully Consider The Plan
When it comes to building a granny flat, it is important to have the right home design plan. The design must suit your needs. You might have more than one design plans. Consider each plan. Take time to rule out the unsuitable ones. It is costly and difficult to change a decision when the construction is already started.

  • Keep Communication Open
Smooth construction is not possible without proper communication. Always feel free and voice your concerns. Instead of ignoring, talk to resolve when there are some problems.

  • Budget More
Set aside a little bit extra funds for utility connections costs, additional furniture, outdoor additions, and more.


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